

1."Cui, Zhe and Feng, Jianjiang and Zhou, Jie. Monocular 3D Fingerprint Reconstruction and Unwarping." IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2023, 21 July.

2."Du, Yunhao and Zhao, Zhicheng and Song, Yang and Zhao, Yanyun and Su, Fei and Gong, Tao and Meng, Hongying. StrongSORT: Make DeepSORT Great Again." IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2023, 31 January.

3."Du, Yunhao and Lei, Cheng and Zhao, Zhicheng and Dong, Yuan and Su, Fei. Video-based Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification with Auxiliary Samples." IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2023, 30 November.

4."Chen, Zining and Wang, Weiqiu and Zhao, Zhicheng and Su, Fei and Men, Aidong and Dong, Yuan. Cluster-Instance Normalization: A Statistical Relation-Aware Normalization for Generalizable Person Re-identification." IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2023, 7 September.

5."Chen, Zining and Wang, Weiqiu and Zhao, Zhicheng and Su, Fei and Men, Aidong and Dong, Yuan. Instance Paradigm Contrastive Learning for Domain Generalization." IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2023, 26 June.

6."Meng, Zhu and Wang, Guangxi and Su, Fei and Liu, Yan and Wang, Yuxiang and Yang, Jing and Luo, Jianyuan and Cao, Fang and Zhen, Panpan and Huang, Binhua and Yin, Yuxin and Zhao, Zhicheng and Guo, Limei. A Deep Learning–Based System Trained for Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor Screening Can Identify Multiple Types of Soft Tissue Tumors." American Journal of Pathology, 2023, 1 July.

7."Chen, Weishu and Hua, Wenjun and Ge, Mengshu and Su, Fei and Liu, Na and Liu, Yujia and Xiong, Anyuan. Severe Precipitation Recognition Using Attention-UNet of Multichannel Doppler Radar." Remote Sensing, 2023, 17 February.


1."Jia, Yuwei and Cui, Zhe and Su, Fei. Unsupervised Fingerprint Dense Registration." Chinese Conference on Biometric Recognition (CCBR), 2023, 2 December.

2."Ruan, Xiangning and Su, Fei and Zhao, Zhicheng. MotionMLP: End-to-End Action Recognition with Motion Aware Vision MLP." IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP).

3."Wang, Tianyi and Chen, Zining and Han, Shihao and Song, Yinan and Li, Shichao. Semi-supervised Augmented 3D-CNN for FLARE22 Challenge." FLARE: MICCAI Challenge on Fast and Low-Resource Semi-supervised Abdominal Organ Segmentation, 2023, 21 January.

4."Xiao, Tianyu and Zhao, Ruining and Nie, Saijun and Ji, Xu. Efficient and Accurate Abdominal Multi-Organ Segmentation using Cross Pseudo-based Semi-Supervised Learning." Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (CSAI).

5."Ma, Zeliang and Liu, Delong and Cui, Zhe and Zhao, Yanyun. AdaptCD: An Adaptive Target Region-Based Commodity Detection System." Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops, June 2023.

6."Ye, Bowen and Li, Weize and Xu, Weida and Yin, Wenjun and Luo, Xiaomin. Semantic Aware Self-Supervised Learning for Remote Sensing Image Segmentation." IEEE International Conference on Network Intelligence and Digital Content (IC-NIDC), 2023, 5 November.

7."Zhang, Binyu and Dong, Junhao and Meng, Zhu and Zhao, Zhicheng and Su, Fei. " Proceedings of Machine Learning Research (PMLR), 2023, 24 March.


1." Yang, Wenhao and Chen, Guanyu and Zhao, Zhicheng and Su, Fei and Meng, Hongying. iCGPN: Interaction-centric graph parsing network for human-object interaction detection. Neurocomputing, 2022, 502: 98-109."

2." Wang, Weiqiu and Zhao, Zhicheng and Wang, Pingyu and Su, Fei and Meng, Hongying. Attentive feature augmentation for long-tailed visual recognition. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2022, 32(9): 5803-5816."

3." Guanxi Wang, Mantang Qiu, Xudong Xing, Juntuo Zhou, Hantao Yao, Mingru Li, Rong Yin, Yan Hou, Yang Li, Shuli Pan, Yuqing Huang, Fan Yang, Fan Bai, Honggang Nie, Shuangshuang Di, Limei Guo, Zhu Meng, Jun Wang, and Yuxin Yin. Lung cancer scRNA-seq and lipidomics reveal aberrant lipid metabolism for early-stage diagnosis. Science Translational Medicine, 2022, 14(630): eabk2756."

4." Guangxi Wang, Hantao Yao, Yan Gong, Zipeng Lu, Ruifang Pang, Yang Li, Yuyao Yuan, Huajie Song, Jia Liu, Yan Jin, Yongsu Ma, Yinmo Yang, Honggang Nie, Guangze Zhang, Zhu Meng, Zhe Zhou, Xuyang Zhao, Mantang Qiu, Zhicheng Zhao, Kuirong Jiang, Qiang Zeng, Limei Guo, and Yuxin Yin. Metabolic detection and systems analyses of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma through machine learning, lipidomics, and multi-omics. Science Advances, 2021, 7(52): eabh2724."


1." Zining Chen, Weiqiu Wang, Zhicheng Zhao, Aidong Men and Hong Chen. Bag of Tricks for Out-of-Distribution Generalization. Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ECCVW 2022)."

2." Junfeng Wan, Shuhao Qian, Zihan Tian, Yanyun Zhao. An Effective Framework of Multi-Class Product Counting and Recognition for Automated Retail Checkout. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops, 2022, pp. 3282-3290."

3." Hangyue Zhao, Yuchao Xiao, Yanyun Zhao. PAND: Precise Action Recognition on Naturalistic Driving. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops, 2022, pp. 3291-3299."

4." Yunhao Du, Zhihang Tong, Junfeng Wan, Binyu Zhang and Yanyun Zhao. PAND: Precise Action Recognition on Naturalistic Driving. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo Workshops (ICMEW). IEEE, 2022: 1-6."

5." Yunhao Du, Binyu Zhang, Xiangning Ruan, Fei Su, Zhicheng Zhao and Hong Chen. OMG: Observe Multiple Granularities for Natural Language-Based Vehicle Retrieval. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops, 2022, pp. 3124-3133."

6." Fan Gao, Zining Chen, Weiqiu Wang, Yinan Song, Fei Su, Zhicheng Zhao and Hong Chen. Does Closed-Set Training Generalize to Open-Set Recognition? Working Notes of CLEF, 2022."

7." Ding Chen, Bowei Ye, Zhicheng Zhao, Feihong Wang, Weida Xu and Wenjun Yin. Change Detection Converter: Using Semantic Segmantation Models to Tackle Change Detection Task. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME). IEEE, 2022: 1-6."


1." Wang, Pingyu and Zhao, Zhicheng and Su, Fei and Zu, Xingyu and Boulgouris, Nikolaos V. HOReID: Deep High-Order Mapping Enhances Pose Alignment for Person Re-Identification. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2021, 30: 2908-2922."

2." Meng, Zhu and Zhao, Zhicheng and Li, Bingyang and Su, Fei and Guo, Limei. A cervical histopathology dataset for computer aided diagnosis of precancerous lesions. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2021, 40(6): 1531-1541."

3." Meng, Zhu and Zhao, Zhicheng and Li, Bingyang and Su, Fei and Guo, Limei and Wang, Haiying. Triple up-sampling segmentation network with distribution consistency loss for pathological diagnosis of cervical precancerous lesions. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2020, 25(7): 2673-2685."

4." Jiang, Wenhui and Zhao, Zhicheng and Su, Fei and Fang, Yuming. Dynamic proposal sampling for weakly supervised object detection. Neurocomputing, 2021, 441: 248-259."

5." 张滨宇, 赵衍运, 杜昀昊, 万俊峰, 佟知航. 一种基于深度学习的 PCB 图像字符检测方法. 北京邮电大学学报, 2022, 45(1): 171."


1." Meng, Zhu and Zhao, Zhicheng and Su, Fei and Guo, Limei. Hierarchical Spatial Pyramid Network For Cervical Precancerous Segmentation By Reconstructing Deep Segmentation Networks. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2021: 3738-3745."

2." Yang, Wenhao and Song, Yinan and Zhao, Zhicheng and Su, Fei. Instance Search via Fusing Hierarchical Multi-level Retrieval and Human-object Interaction Detection. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision. 2021: 2323-2327."

3." Wan, Junfeng and Zhang, Binyu and Zhao, Yanyun and Du, Yunhao and Tong, Zhihang. VistrongerDet: Stronger Visual Information for Object Detection in VisDrone Images. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision. 2021: 2820-2829."

4." Du, Yunhao and Wan, Junfeng and Zhao, Yanyun and Zhang, Binyu and Tong, Zhihang and Dong, Junhao. GIAOTracker: A comprehensive framework for MCMOT with global information and optimizing strategies in VisDrone 2021. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision. 2021: 2809-2819."

5." Zhang, Binyu and Du, Yunhao and Zhao, Yanyun and Wan, Junfeng and Tong, Zhihang. I-MMCCN: Improved MMCCN for RGB-T Crowd Counting of Drone Images. 2021 7th IEEE International Conference on Network Intelligence and Digital Content (IC-NIDC). IEEE, 2021: 117-121."

6." Song, Yinan and Yang, Wenhao and Du, Yunhao and Wan, Junfeng and Zhang, Binyu and Tong, Zhihang and Zhao, Zhicheng and Su, Fei and Zhao, Yanyun. BUPT-MCPRL at TRECVID 2021. TRECVID 2021 Notebook Papers. IEEE, 2021."

7." Zhang, Jiacheng and Liu, Weishuo and Zhao, Zhicheng and Su, Fei. Distribution Estimation Based Pseudo-Feature Library Generation For Few-Shot Image Classification. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo Workshops (ICMEW). IEEE, 2021: 1-6."

8." Pan, Siyang and Zhao, Yanyun and Su, Fei and Zhao, Zhicheng. SANet++: Enhanced Scale Aggregation with Densely Connected Feature Fusion for Crowd Counting. ICASSP 2021-2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). IEEE, 2021: 1980-1984."

9." Wang, Weiqiu and Zhao, Zhicheng and Zhang, Hongyuan and Wang, Zhaohui and Su, Fei. MaskOut: A Data Augmentation Method for Masked Face Recognition. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision. 2021: 1450-1455."

10." Yi, Zitong and Tong, Zhihang and Zhao, Yanyun and Zhao, Zhicheng and Su, Fei. A Method of Stable Long-Term Single Object Tracking. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME). IEEE, 2021: 1-6."

11." Zhang, Qi and Meng, Zhu and Zhao, Zhicheng and Su, Fei. GSLD: A Global Scanner with Local Discriminator Network for Fast Detection of Sparse Plasma Cell in Immunohistochemistry. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). IEEE, 2021: 86-90."

12." Zhang, Jiacheng and Wang, Pingyu and Zhao, Zhicheng and Su, Fei. Pruned-YOLO: Learning Efficient Object Detector Using Model Pruning. International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks. Springer, Cham, 2021: 34-45."

13." Zhang, Jiacheng and Zhao, Zhicheng and Su, Fei. Efficient-receptive field block with group spatial attention mechanism for object detection. 2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR). IEEE, 2021: 3248-3255."

14." Li, Bingyang and Zhang, Qi and Song, Yinan and Zhao, Zhicheng and Meng, Zhu and Su, Fei. Diagnosing Covid-19 from CT Images Based on an Ensemble Learning Framework. ICASSP 2021-2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). IEEE, 2021: 8563-8567."

15." Huang, Zhiyuan and Hou, Zhaohui and Wang, Pingyu and Su, Fei and Zhao, Zhicheng. Rethinking Anchor-Object Matching and Encoding in Rotating Object Detection. 2021 International Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP). IEEE, 2021: 1-5."

16." Chen, Guanyu and Chen, Chong and Zhao, Zhicheng and Su, Fei. Human-Centric Parsing Network for Human-Object Interaction Detection. 2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR). IEEE, 2021: 5488-5494."

17." Luo, Jiaqi and Zhao, Zhicheng and Su, Fei and Guo, Limei. Triplet-path Dilated Network for Detection and Segmentation of General Pathological Images. 2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR). IEEE, 2021: 1452-1459."


1."Pingyu Wang, Fei Su, Zhicheng Zhao, Yanyun Zhao, Lei Yang, Yang Li: Deep hard modality alignment for visible thermal person re-identification. Pattern Recognit. Lett. 133: 195-201 (2020)"


1." Kai Liu, Zheng Xu, Zhaohui Hou, Zhicheng Zhao, Fei Su: Further Non-local and Channel Attention Networks for Vehicle Re-identification. CVPR Workshops 2020: 2494-2500"

2." Zhu Meng, Zhicheng Zhao, Fei Su, Weibao Wang: Adaptive Elastic Loss Based on Progressive Inter-Class Association for Cervical Histology Image Segmentation. ICASSP 2020: 976-980"

3." Zixuan Wang, Jiacheng Zhang, Zhicheng Zhao, Fei Su: Efficient Yolo: A Lightweight Model For Embedded Deep Learning Object Detection. ICME Workshops 2020: 1-6"

4." Zixuan Wang, Zhicheng Zhao, Fei Su: Real-time Tracking with Stabilized Frame. CVPR Workshops"


1." Pingyu Wang, Fei Su, Zhicheng Zhao, Yandong Guo, Yanyun Zhao, Bojin Zhuang:Deep class-skewed learning for face recognition. Neurocomputing 363: 35-45 (2019)"

2." Yandong Zhu, Kaihui Zhou, Menglai Wang, Yanyun Zhao, Zhicheng Zhao:A comprehensive solution for detecting events in complex surveillance videos. Multimedia Tools Appl. 78(1): 817-838 (2019)"

3." Jie Shao, Zhicheng Zhao, Fei Su:Two-stage deep learning for supervised cross-modal retrieval. Multimedia Tools Appl. 78(12): 16615-16631 (2019)"

4." Li Du, Zixuan Wang, Leiquan Wang, Zhicheng Zhao, Fei Su, Bojin Zhuang, Nikolaos V. Boulgouris:Adaptive Visual Interaction Based Multi-Target Future State Prediction For Autonomous Driving Vehicles. IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology 68(5): 4249-4261 (2019)"


1." Zhicheng Zhao, Guanyu Chen, Chong Chen, Xinyu Li, Xuanlu Xiang, Yanyun Zhao, Fei Su:Instance-based video search via multi-task retrieval and reranking. The IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2019."

2." Siyang Pan, Zhihang Tong, Yanyun Zhao, Zhicheng Zhao, Fei Su, Bojin Zhuang:Multi-Object Tracking Hierarchically in Visual Data Taken From Drones. The IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2019."

3." Xingting He, Qiuyue Shi, Fei Su, Zhicheng Zhao, Bojin Zhuang:Pedestrian Attribute Recognition Based on Mtcnn with Online Batch Weighted Loss. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). IEEE, 2019: 2461-2465."

4." Xuanlu Xiang, Zhipeng Wang, Zhicheng Zhao, Fei Su:Multiple Saliency and Channel Sensitivity Network for Aggregated Convolutional Feature. AAAI 2019: 9013-9020"

5." Jianfei Zhao, Zitong Yi, Siyang Pan, Yanyun Zhao, Zhicheng Zhao, Fei Su, Bojin Zhuang:Unsupervised Traffic Anomaly Detection Using Trajectories. CVPR Workshops 2019: 133-140"

6." Zhu Meng, Zhicheng Zhao, Fei Su:Multi-classification of Breast Cancer Histology Images by Using Gravitation Loss.ICASSP 2019: 1030-1034"

7." Li Du, Zhicheng Zhao, Fei Su, Leiquan Wang, Chaohong An:Jointly Predicting Future Sequence and Steering Angles for Dynamic Driving Scenes.ICASSP 2019: 4070-4074"

8." Xingting He, Pingyu Wang, Zhicheng Zhao, Yanyun Zhao, Fei Su:MTCNN with Weighted Loss Penalty and Adaptive Threshold Learning for Facial Attribute Prediction.ICME Workshops 2019: 180-185"


new " Ya Li, Shaoqiang Xu, Xiangqian Cheng, Liang Zhou, Yanyun Zhao, Zhicheng Zhao, Fei Su, Bojin Zhuang:An Effective Detection Framework for Activities in Surveillance Videos." Technical report of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (2019)

1." Ziwen Wang, Jie Wang, Haiqian Gu, Fei Su, Bojin Zhuang:Automatic Conditional Generation of Personalized Social Media Short Texts.CoRR abs/1906.09324 (2019)"

2." Haiqian Gu, Jie Wang, Ziwen Wang, Bojin Zhuang, Fei Su:Modeling of User Portrait Through Social Media.CoRR abs/1906.12323 (2019)"

3." Haiqian Gu, Jie Wang, Ziwen Wang, Bojin Zhuang, Wenhao Bian, Fei Su:Cross-Platform Modeling of Users' Behavior on Social Media.CoRR abs/1906.12324 (2019)"


1."Zhicheng Zhao, Xuanchong Li, Xingzhong Du, Qi Chen, Yanyun Zhao, Fei Su, Xiaojun Chang, Alexander G. Hauptmann:A unified framework with a benchmark dataset for surveillance event detection. Neurocomputing 278: 62-74 (2018)"

2."Zhicheng Zhao, Rui Xiang, Fei Su:Complex event detection via attention-based video representation and classification. Multimedia Tools Appl. 77(3): 3209-3227 (2018)"

3." Wenhui Jiang, Zhicheng Zhao, Fei Su:Weakly supervised detection with decoupled attention-based deep representation. Multimedia Tools Appl. 77(3): 3261-3277 (2018)"

4." Zhicheng Zhao, Binlin Zhao, Fei Su:Person re-identification via integrating patch-based metric learning and local salience learning. Pattern Recognition 75: 90-98 (2018)"

5."Weichen Sun, Fei Su, Leiquan Wang:Improving deep neural networks with multi-layer maxout networks and a novel initialization method. Neurocomputing 278: 34-40 (2018)"

6." Chunlei Wu, Yiwei Wei, Xiaoliang Chu, Weichen Sun, Fei Su, Leiquan Wang:Hierarchical attention-based multimodal fusion for video captioning. Neurocomputing 315: 362-370 (2018)"

7." Chunlei Wu, Yiwei Wei, Xiaoliang Chu, Fei Su, Leiquan Wang:Modeling visual and word-conditional semantic attention for image captioning. Sig. Proc.: Image Comm. 67: 100-107 (2018)"


1."Longyin Wen, Pengfei Zhu, Dawei Du, Xiao Bian, Haibin Ling, Qinghua Hu, Chenfeng Liu, Hao Cheng, Xiaoyu Liu, Wenya Ma, Qinqin Nie, Haotian Wu, Lianjie Wang, Asanka G. Perera, Baochang Zhang, Byeongho Heo, Chunlei Liu, Dongdong Li, Emmanouil Michail, Hanlin Chen, Hao Liu, Haojie Li, Ioannis Kompatsiaris, Jian Cheng, Jiaqing Fan, Jie Zhang, Jin Young Choi, Jing Li, Jinyu Yang, Jongwon Choi, Juanping Zhao, Jungong Han, Kaihua Zhang, Kaiwen Duan, Ke Song, Konstantinos Avgerinakis, Kyuewang Lee, Lu Ding, Martin Lauer, Panagiotis Giannakeris, Peizhen Zhang, Qiang Wang, Qianqian Xu, Qingming Huang, Qingshan Liu, Robert Laganière, Ruixin Zhang, Sangdoo Yun, Shengyin Zhu, Sihang Wu, Stefanos Vrochidis, Wei Tian, Wei Zhang, Weidong Chen, Weiming Hu, Wenhao Wang, Wenhua Zhang, Wenrui Ding, Xiaohao He, Xiaotong Li, Xin Zhang, Xinbin Luo, Xixi Hu, Yang Meng, Yangliu Kuai, Yanyun Zhao, Yaxuan Li, Yifan Yang, Yifan Zhang, Yong Wang, Yuankai Qi, Zhipeng Deng, Zhiqun He:VisDrone-SOT2018: The Vision Meets Drone Single-Object Tracking Challenge Results. ECCV Workshops (5) 2018: 469-495"

2." Pengfei Zhu, Longyin Wen, Dawei Du, Xiao Bian, Haibin Ling, Qinghua Hu, Haotian Wu, Qinqin Nie, Hao Cheng, Chenfeng Liu, Xiaoyu Liu, Wenya Ma, Lianjie Wang, Arne Schumann, Dan Wang, Diego Ortego, Elena Luna, Emmanouil Michail, Erik Bochinski, Feng Ni, Filiz Bunyak, Gege Zhang, Guna Seetharaman, Guorong Li, Hongyang Yu, Ioannis Kompatsiaris, Jianfei Zhao, Jie Gao, José M. Martínez, Juan C. SanMiguel, Kannappan Palaniappan, Konstantinos Avgerinakis, Lars Wilko Sommer, Martin Lauer, Mengkun Liu, Noor M. Al-Shakarji, Oliver Acatay, Panagiotis Giannakeris, Qijie Zhao, Qinghua Ma, Qingming Huang, Stefanos Vrochidis, Thomas Sikora, Tobias Senst, Wei Song, Wei Tian, Wenhua Zhang, Yanyun Zhao, Yidong Bai, Yinan Wu, Yongtao Wang, Yuxuan Li, Zhaoliang Pi, Zhiming Ma:VisDrone-VDT2018: The Vision Meets Drone Video Detection and Tracking Challenge Results. ECCV Workshops (5) 2018: 496-518"

3."Xinkun Cao, Zhipeng Wang, Yanyun Zhao, Fei Su:Scale Aggregation Network for Accurate and Efficient Crowd Counting. ECCV (5) 2018: 757-773"

4." Jiayi Wei, Jianfei Zhao, Yanyun Zhao, Zhicheng Zhao:Unsupervised Anomaly Detection for Traffic Surveillance Based on Background Modeling. CVPR Workshops 2018: 129-136"

5."Zhu Meng, Zhongyue Fan, Zhicheng Zhao, Fei Su:ENS-Unet: End-to-End Noise Suppression U-Net for Brain Tumor Segmentation. EMBC 2018: 5886-5889"

6." Wei Fei, Zhicheng Zhao, Fei Su:Deep Global And Local Saliency Learning With New Re-Ranking For Person Re-Identification. ICME Workshops 2018: 1-6"

7." Wenchao Su, Yanyan Wang, Fei Su, Zhicheng Zhao:Micro-Expression Recognition Based on the Spatio-Temporal Feature. ICME Workshops 2018: 1-6"

8." Zhipeng Wang, Xuanlu Xiang, Zhicheng Zhao, Fei Su:Deep Image Retrieval: Indicator and Gram Matrix Weighting for Aggregated Convolutional Features. ICME 2018: 1-6"

9." Haiqian Gu, Jie Wang, Ziwen Wang, Bojin Zhuang, Wenhao Bian, Fei Su:Cross-Platform Modeling of Users' Behavior on Social Media. ICDM Workshops 2018: 183-190"

10." Haiqian Gu, Jie Wang, Ziwen Wang, Bojin Zhuang, Fei Su:Modeling of User Portrait Through Social Media. ICME 2018: 1-6"

11." Ziwen Wang, Jie Wang, Haiqian Gu, Fei Su, Bojin Zhuang:Automatic Conditional Generation of Personalized Social Media Short Texts. PRICAI 2018: 56-63"


1." Ce Qi, Xiaoping Chen, Pingyu Wang, Fei Su:Precise Box Score: Extract More Information from Datasets to Improve the Performance of Face Detection. CoRR abs/1804.10743 (2018)"

2." Ce Qi, Zhizhong Liu, Fei Su:Accurate and Efficient Similarity Search for Large Scale Face Recognition.CoRR abs/1806.00365 (2018)"

3." Haiqian Gu, Jie Wang, Ziwen Wang, Bojin Zhuang, Wenhao Bian, Fei Su:Cross-Platform Modeling of Users' Behavior on Social Media.CoRR abs/1906.12324 (2019)"


1." Leiquan Wang, Weichen Sun, Zhicheng Zhao, Fei Su:Modeling intra- and inter-pair correlation via heterogeneous high-order preserving for cross-modal retrieval. Signal Processing 131: 249-260 (2017)"

2."Weichen Sun, Fei Su:A novel companion objective function for regularization of deep convolutional neural networks. Image Vision Comput. 60: 58-63 (2017)"


1."Kaihui Zhou, Yandong Zhu, Yanyun Zhao:A spatio-temporal deep architecture for surveillance event detection based on ConvLSTM. VCIP 2017: 1-4"

2." Li Du, Wenhui Jiang, Zhicheng Zhao, Fei Su:Ego-Motion Classification for Driving Vehicle.BigMM 2017: 276-279"

3." Shilun Lin, Zhicheng Zhao, Fei Su:Clustering lightened deep representation for large scale face identification. ICC 2017: 101:1-101:5"

4." Jie Shao, Zhicheng Zhao, Fei Su, Ting Yue:Towards Improving Canonical Correlation Analysis for Cross-modal Retrieval. ACM Multimedia (Thematic Workshops) 2017: 332-339"

5." Pingyu Wang, Fei Su, Zhicheng Zhao:Joint multi-feature fusion and attribute relationships for facial attribute prediction. VCIP 2017: 1-4"

6." Shanwei Zhao, Zhicheng Zhao, Fei Su:Gram matrix based representation for image retrieval.VCIP 2017: 1-4"

7." Ce Qi, Fei Su:Contrastive-center loss for deep neural networks. ICIP 2017: 2851-2855"

8." Yuanyuan Li, Qiuyue Shi, Jiangfan Deng, Fei Su:Graphic logo detection with deep region-based convolutional networks.VCIP 2017: 1-4"


1." Wenhui Jiang, Thuyen Ngo, B. S. Manjunath, Zhicheng Zhao, Fei Su:Optimizing Region Selection for Weakly Supervised Object Detection. CoRR abs/1708.01723 (2017)"

2." Ce Qi, Fei Su:Contrastive-center loss for deep neural networks. CoRR abs/1707.07391 (2017)"


1." Jie Shao, Leiquan Wang, Zhicheng Zhao, Fei Su, Anni Cai:Deep canonical correlation analysis with progressive and hypergraph learning for cross-modal retrieval. Neurocomputing 214: 618-628 (2016)"

2." Yan Hua, Shuhui Wang, Siyuan Liu, Anni Cai, Qingming Huang:Cross-Modal Correlation Learning by Adaptive Hierarchical Semantic Aggregation.IEEE Trans. Multimedia 18(6): 1201-1216 (2016)"

3." Yan Hua, Shuhui Wang, Siyuan Liu, Anni Cai, Qingming Huang:Corrections to ""Cross-Modal Correlation Learning by Adaptive Hierarchical Semantic Aggregation"". IEEE Trans. Multimedia 18(10): 2127 (2016)"

4." Leiquan Wang, Zhicheng Zhao, Fei Su:Efficient multi-modal hypergraph learning for social image classification with complex label correlations. Neurocomputing 171: 242-251 (2016)"

5." Zhicheng Zhao, Yi-Fan Song, Fei Su:Specific video identification via joint learning of latent semantic concept, scene and temporal structure. Neurocomputing 208: 378-386 (2016)"

6." Wenhui Jiang, Zhicheng Zhao, Fei Su:Bayes pooling of visual phrases for object retrieval. Multimedia Tools Appl. 75(15): 9095-9119 (2016)"


1." Shilun Lin, Zhicheng Zhao, Fei Su:Homemade TS-Net for Automatic Face Recognition. ICMR 2016: 135-142"

2." Dongqi Cai, Fei Su, Zhicheng Zhao:Adaptive Synopsis of Non-Human Primates' Surveillance Video Based on Behavior Classification. MMM (1) 2016: 710-721"

3." Pinyi Li, Wenhui Jiang, Fei Su:Single-channel EEG-based mental fatigue detection based on deep belief network. EMBC 2016: 367-370"

4." Shilun Lin, Fei Su:FCFD: Teach the machine to accomplish face detection step by step. ICIP 2016: 3214-3218"



1."Yan Hua, Meng Yang, Zhi-Cheng Zhao, Renlai Zhou, Anni Cai:On semantic-instructed attention: From video eye-tracking dataset to memory-guided probabilistic saliency model. Neurocomputing 168: 917-929 (2015)"

2." Kai Liu, Zhi-Cheng Zhao, Anni Cai:Datum-Adaptive Local Metric Learning for Person Re-identification. IEEE Signal Process. Lett. 22(9): 1457-1461 (2015)"


1." Yan Hua, Hu Tian, Anni Cai, Ping Shi:Cross-modal correlation learning with deep convolutional architecture. VCIP 2015: 1-4"

2." Wenchen Cheng, Jiang Qian, Zhicheng Zhao, Fei Su:Large scale cross-media data retrieval based on Hadoop. QSHINE 2015: 133-138"

3." Qi Chen, Wenhui Jiang, Yanyun Zhao, Zhicheng Zhao:Part-based deep network for pedestrian detection in surveillance videos. VCIP 2015: 1-4"

4." Chang Liu, Yi-Fan Song, Zhi-Cheng Zhao, Fei Su:Fast Uyghur text detection in videos based on learning of baseline feature. VCIP 2015: 1-4"

5." Jie Shao, Zhi-Cheng Zhao, Fei Su, Ting Yue:3View deep canonical correlation analysis for cross-modal retrieval. VCIP 2015: 1-4"

6." Shilun Lin, Fei Su:FCFD: Teach the machine to accomplish face detection step by step. ICIP 2016: 3214-3218"

7." Dongqi Cai, Fei Su:Deep CCA based super vector for action recognition. ICIP 2015: 1945-1949"

8." Weichen Sun, Fei Su:Regularization of deep neural networks using a novel companion objective function. ICIP 2015: 2865-2869"

9." Jie Huang, Bojin Zhuang, Fei Su:A General Accelerated R Package Using GPU. SmartCity 2015: 605-608"

10." Xinran Liu, Fei Su:A robust facial landmark detection method in multi-views. VCIP 2015: 1-4"
